
Hi there! This website was created to help you find your way around the different frameworks and tools in the world of… well… digital work. From personal experience we know that it can be hard to find just the right tool for the problem you are facing – be it as an aspiring product manager, team lead, digital marketeer or workshop-moderator-to-be.

We always found the content offered on the web too scattered and niche-y to really help us decide which tools to use and what framework to adopt for the task at hand. This website aims to not only explain the gist of the tools but also contextualize them – i.e. tell you what to use them for and what not – and what alternatives you could have a look at.

Feel free to leave us a comment (constructive, if possible 🙂 ) or recommend good reads to us. Also, keep in mind, this is major work in progress. If you like it, spread the word.

Take care!

Ceci and Shanthi